Meet the Lennox Candidates 2024

57 years of age

Live in Lennox Ward for around 20 years

Went to Engineering school in Richmond

Son of post-war immigrants – who established themselves as greengrocers

Married with 2 daughters

Studied engineering & real estate; developed properties & subdivisions in Europe, Melbourne & regional Victoria

A real estate agent since 1988; now semi-retired.

·       I support development, but not over-development as is happening in parts of Lennox. Not enough residential & too many empty offices. We need mandatory set-backs to ease our narrow footpaths; we need more pedestrian safety – eg a crossing needs to be installed immediately outside the venue at the Cherry Tree hotel.

·       Developers’ open space contributions largely, & unfairly, go to fund playgrounds & other pet projects of current Councillors in other Wards. That has to stop. With developer contributions set to increase from 5% to 8.65%, I pledge that as your councillor, I’ll slam the brakes on this money exodus, ensuring contributions stay right here, funding facilities WE need in our Lennox Ward.

·       The BIN TAX has increased a whopping 30% in one year. Hindsight would tell that the current Councillors perpetrated a fraud on all of us when they introduced it. I intend to find out facts – will it go up another 30% next year if we don’t stop the rot?

·       The current attitudes to providing minimal parking in new developments just doesn’t reflect reality. With our narrow streets & excessive vehicular rat-running (& not just in peak times), a thorough review is needed. I intend to make this one of my priorities if I am elected.

In summary, my first and absolute priority is to stop the out-of-control Council spending, & waste. These are tough times and Council needs tough Councillors; not invisible ‘do-nothings’ who get lead around by the nose by the current bloated senior management. I had a mid-level Council officer say to me just last week – “We want you to win. We are just too top heavy”.

I have the skills, passion & time to make a difference in our Lennox Ward.

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