Cremorne Community Inc.

Where is Cremorne?

What’s Happening?

Send a Message to the Minister

Planning amendments including Design Development Overlays (DDOs) are sitting on the planning minister’s desk.They provide controls on new developments including built form, height, setbacks and shadowing.

In the meantime there is nothing to prevent developers going straight to VCAT to get what they want as there are no firm rules. These planning amendments now need to have consent from the Planning Minister.

We’ve all been gritting our teeth through the current Cremorne craziness without any guiding hand for too long now. We all need to share our personal story with the planning minister to move this along. A decent collection of personal messages to Sonya Kilkenny will not only show her we exist but will help to create a great, liveable Cremorne before it gets trashed


Green Public Spaces

Streets and Movement

Building and Development

The Cremorne Community Inc. seeks:

  1. Process: To support a collaborative and co-creative approach to transport and land use planning in Cremorne.
  2. Vision/ambition: To advocate for a vibrant, entrepreneurial, and accessible neighbourhood with people friendly pedestrian realms and streetscapes for residents and workers alike, encompassing streets, new lanes, parks and open spaces.
  3. Built form/planning: To secure the adoption of planning and built-form controls that balance the positive aspects of continued development with the rich and diverse existing character of Cremorne, while providing certainty for the community.
  4. Green spaces: To advocate for increased green public open space in Cremorne.
  5. Accessibility & travel: To ensure that people can safely access any property in Cremorne, irrespective of whether they choose to walk, cycle, use public transport or drive.
  6. Best practice development: To secure the adoption of best-practice responses to climate change, including for new developments, retrofits and adaptations, as well as for the public realm.
  7. Sense of community: To support the continued sense of community within Cremorne, engaging the community in our future

Join Cremorne Community Inc.